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Cardiff HongKongers CIC 會址正式營運


Cardiff HongKongers CIC 嘅會址將會喺8月1日正式營運!當日我地會有Coffee Morning,歡迎大家過嚟參觀會址,同我哋傾吓偈!屆時可以即場報名我哋嘅興趣班,記得唔好錯過喇~

❗️Important News❗️

The venue of Cardiff HongKongers CIC will be officially opened on August 1st! We will have Coffee Morning in our venue on that day. Everyone is welcome to visit the venue and chat with us! You can also sign up for our interest class on the spot.

☕️ Coffee Morning

日期 Date: 01.08.2023

時間 Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

地點 Location: 30 Tudor Street, Cardiff

📍Cardiff HongKongers CIC 會址資訊

營運時間 Opening hours: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM ( 7 days a week)

會址地點 Address: 30 Tudor Street, Cardiff


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